Source code for autooed.mobo.surrogate_model.bnn

Bayesian neural network surrogate model.

import numpy as np
import torch

from autooed.mobo.surrogate_model.nn import NeuralNetwork, jacobian, hessian

class BayesianRegression:
    Bayesian regression model

    w ~ N(w|0, alpha^(-1)I)
    y = X @ w
    t ~ N(t|X @ w, beta^(-1))
    def __init__(self, alpha:float=1., beta:float=1.):
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta
        self.w_mean = None
        self.w_precision = None

    def _is_prior_defined(self) -> bool:
        return self.w_mean is not None and self.w_precision is not None

    def _get_prior(self, ndim:int) -> tuple:
        if self._is_prior_defined():
            return self.w_mean, self.w_precision
            return np.zeros(ndim), self.alpha * np.eye(ndim)

    def fit(self, X:np.ndarray, t:np.ndarray):
        bayesian update of parameters given training dataset

        X : (N, n_features) np.ndarray
            training data independent variable
        t : (N,) np.ndarray
            training data dependent variable
        mean_prev, precision_prev = self._get_prior(np.size(X, 1))

        w_precision = precision_prev + self.beta * X.T @ X
        w_mean = np.linalg.solve(
            precision_prev @ mean_prev + self.beta * X.T @ t
        self.w_mean = w_mean
        self.w_precision = w_precision
        self.w_cov = np.linalg.inv(self.w_precision)

    def predict(self, X:np.ndarray, return_std:bool=False, sample_size:int=None):
        return mean (and standard deviation) of predictive distribution

        X : (N, n_features) np.ndarray
            independent variable
        return_std : bool, optional
            flag to return standard deviation (the default is False)
        sample_size : int, optional
            number of samples to draw from the predictive distribution
            (the default is None, no sampling from the distribution)

        y : (N,) np.ndarray
            mean of the predictive distribution
        y_std : (N,) np.ndarray
            standard deviation of the predictive distribution
        y_sample : (N, sample_size) np.ndarray
            samples from the predictive distribution
        if sample_size is not None:
            w_sample = np.random.multivariate_normal(
                self.w_mean, self.w_cov, size=sample_size
            y_sample = X @ w_sample.T
            return y_sample
        y = X @ self.w_mean
        if return_std:
            y_var = 1 / self.beta + np.sum(X @ self.w_cov * X, axis=1)
            y_std = np.sqrt(y_var)
            return y, y_std
        return y

    def export_params(self):
        return self.w_mean, self.w_cov, self.beta

[docs]class BayesianNeuralNetwork(NeuralNetwork): ''' Deep Networks for Global Optimization [1]: Bayesian Linear Regression with basis function extracted from a neural network [1] J. Snoek, O. Rippel, K. Swersky, R. Kiros, N. Satish, N. Sundaram, M.~M.~A. Patwary, Prabhat, R.~P. Adams Scalable Bayesian Optimization Using Deep Neural Networks Proc. of ICML'15 '''
[docs] def __init__(self, problem, hidden_size=50, hidden_layers=3, activation='tanh', lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-4, n_epoch=100, **kwargs): ''' Initialize a Bayesian neural network as surrogate model. Parameters ---------- problem: autooed.problem.Problem The optimization problem. hidden_size: int Size of the hidden layer of the neural network. hidden_layers: int Number of hidden layers of the neural network. activation: str Type of activation function. lr: float Learning rate. weight_decay: float Weight decay. n_epoch: int Number of training epochs. ''' super().__init__(problem, hidden_size, hidden_layers, activation, lr, weight_decay, n_epoch) self.regressor = [BayesianRegression()] * self.n_obj
[docs] def _fit(self, X, Y): super()._fit(X, Y) for i in range(self.n_obj): phi =[i].basis_func(torch.FloatTensor(X)).data.numpy() self.regressor[i].fit(phi, Y[:, i])
[docs] def _evaluate(self, X, std, gradient, hessian): F, dF, hF = [], [], [] # mean S, dS, hS = [], [], [] # std X = torch.FloatTensor(X) X.requires_grad = True for i in range(self.n_obj): phi =[i].basis_func(X) w_mean = torch.FloatTensor(self.regressor[i].w_mean) w_cov = torch.FloatTensor(self.regressor[i].w_cov) beta = self.regressor[i].beta y_mean = torch.matmul(phi, w_mean) F.append(y_mean.detach().numpy()) if std: y_var = 1 / beta + torch.sum(torch.matmul(phi, w_cov) * phi, axis=1) y_std = torch.sqrt(y_var) S.append(y_std.detach().numpy()) if not (gradient or hessian): continue if gradient: dy_mean = jacobian(y_mean, X) dF.append(dy_mean.numpy()) if std: dy_std = jacobian(y_std, X) dS.append(dy_std.numpy()) if hessian: hy_mean = hessian(y_mean, X) hF.append(hy_mean.numpy()) if std: hy_std = hessian(y_std, X) hS.append(hy_std.numpy()) F = np.stack(F, axis=1) dF = np.stack(dF, axis=1) if gradient else None hF = np.stack(hF, axis=1) if hessian else None S = np.stack(S, axis=1) if std else None dS = np.stack(dS, axis=1) if std and gradient else None hS = np.stack(hS, axis=1) if std and hessian else None out = {'F': F, 'dF': dF, 'hF': hF, 'S': S, 'dS': dS, 'hS': hS} return out